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Association of Election Commission Officials of Illinois





The name of this organization shall be THE ASSOCIATION OF ELECTION COMMISSION OFFICIALS OF ILLINOIS - hereinafter called the ASSOCIATION.




The PURPOSE of the Association shall be:

A. To develop and maintain conducive relationships between election officials at all levels of local, state and federal government.

B. To exchange information and promote education on election-related topics.

C. To promote and support effective legislation that will ensure the proper and efficient conduct of elections in the State of Illinois.



The REGULAR MEMBERSHIP shall consist of:

A. Members of Boards of Election Commissioners.

B. Judges of the Circuit Court assigned to elections.

C. Executive Directors and Assistant Executive Directors of Boards of Election Commissioners.

D. Attorneys of Boards of Election Commissioners.

The ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP shall consist of:

A. Full-time employees of Member Commissions.

B. Other individuals approved and designated by the Executive Board.

C. Associate Members shall be non-voting Members.

The HONORARY MEMBERSHIP shall consist of:

A. Individuals awarded membership by action of the Executive Board for their interest and continued support in the goals of the Association.

B. Honorary Members shall be non-voting Members.




A. Each MEMBER COMMISSION shall, not later than the 15th day of January of each year, pay to the Treasurer and amount of dues according to the size of the jurisdiction of each, as follows:


under 45,000 $450.00 annually

between 45,000 and 250,000 $750.00 annually

between 250,000 and over $1,500.00 annually

  1. A sixty dollar ($60.00) registration fee shall be charged each Member who attends an Association Meeting





The Officers of the Association shall be a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Treasurer, Historian, Sergeant-at-Arms and three (3) Executive Board Members. (By increasing the number of Executive Board members from two to three (3) allows any association not already represented on the Executive Committee to fill that spot) (5/11/95)


A. The term of Office shall be one (1) year from the close of the Annual Meeting.

B. No Member of the Association may hold the same Office for more than four (4) consecutive terms.




A. The Members of Boards of Election Commissioners, Executive Directors and Assistant Executive Directors of each Member Commission in good standing are eligible to hold the various Office of the Association.

B. No two (2) Offices of the Association may be held by persons affiliated with the same Member Commission.


Election of Officers shall be by ballot at the Annual Meeting. A plurality vote shall elect. Where there is only one candidate for an Office, election may be by voice vote.


A. The PRESIDENT shall:

  1. Preside at all meetings of the Association and Executive Board.

  2. Appoint the General Counsel of the Association, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.

  3. Appoint members of such Committees as may be deemed desirable, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.

  4. Represent the Association as authorized by action of the Association and/or the Executive Board.


  1. Preside, as designated, in absence or inability of the President to serve.

  2. Represent the Association in the absence of the President, as authorized.


  1. Preside, as designated, in the absence or inability of the President and First Vice-President.

  2. Represent the Association in the absence of the President and First Vice-President.

D. The TREASURER shall:

  1. Collect all dues, payments and other monies to be received by the Association.

  2. Open checking and savings accounts as directed by the Executive Board, such accounts to be placed in a suitable banking institution, and deposit therein all monies received on behalf of the Association.

  3. Pay any and all obligations incurred and approved by the Association or upon the approval of the President, with prior authorization for such action given by the Association at a duly convened Executive or General Meeting.

  4. Make an accounting of the funds of the Association at each Executive or General Meeting of such Association.

  5. Make a final accounting of the funds of the Association and turn over such balance to the successor to the Office of Treasurer of the Association.

E. The HISTORIAN shall:

  1. Assist the Secretary in maintaining the Records of the Association.

  2. Compile and maintain a history of the Association including, but not limited to, the achievements of the Association and the membership thereof.

  3. Recommend to the Executive Board individuals worthy of distinction for their service to the Association and/or the public, and prepare appropriate awards at the direction of the Executive Board.


  1. At the direction of the President, maintain order at all Meetings of the Association and verify the credentials of those in attendance.

  2. At the direction of the Executive Board, select, establish and arrange for locations of Meeting sites of the Association and Executive Board.

G. The three (3) EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS shall:

  1. Represent the membership of the Association at all Meetings of the Executive Board.


Each elected or appointed Officer shall serve the Association without compensation.


Any vacancies in office due to death, resignation or incapacity, shall be filled by the Executive Board until the next Annual Meeting.


A. The Secretary shall be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.

B. The Secretary shall issue the call for Meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board.

C. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all Meetings of the Association and Executive Board, issuing to the Members of the Association copies of such minutes within thirty (30) days after the meeting.

D. The Secretary shall serve as custodian of all records and papers belonging to the Association and the Seal thereof.

E. The Secretary shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by action of the Association or Executive Board


A. The General Counsel shall be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.

B. The General Counsel shall serve at the direction of the President and Executive Board, and in that capacity shall render legal opinions and give advice and counsel concerning election laws and proposed amendments thereto.




The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers of the Association and the appointed Secretary and General Counsel of said Association.


A. The Executive Board shall serve as a Committee on all matters of the Association and shall make its recommendations to the Membership.

B. The Executive Board shall approve all appointments of the President.

C. The Executive Board shall establish such checking and savings accounts as deemed advisable and shall direct the Treasurer to open such accounts, as provided.

D. The Secretary and General Counsel shall be non-voting Members of the Executive Board.




The STANDING COMMITTEES shall consist of:

  1. FINANCE COMMITTEE -Executive Board

  2. RULES COMMITTEE -Executive Board

  3. NOMINATING COMMITTEE -Executive Board

  4. ELECTIONS COMMITTEE -Sergeant-at-Arms and two (2) appointees.

  5. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE -Three (3) Members appointed by the President.

  6. STATE BOARD LIAISON COMMITTEE -Two (2) Members -one (1) Chicago Meeting Representative and one (1) Springfield Meeting Representative.

  7. COUNTY CLERKS LIAISON COMMITTEE -Two (2) Members -President and one (1) Appointee.




MEETINGS of the Association:

A. The annual Meeting of the Association shall be held in the month of May at a place to be selected by the Sergeant-at-Arms and approved by the Executive Board.

B. Notice of all Meetings shall be sent by the Secretary to all Members of the Association, postmarked not less than ten (10) days in advance of the Meeting to be held.

C. Voting at an Executive Board meeting may be in person or by proxy to another member of the Association from the same Election Commission to which the Executive Board member belongs. Such proxy shall be valid only for the one meeting of the Executive Board described therein and only if it is in writing. (9/19/96)

MEETINGS of the Executive Board:

A. The Executive Board shall meet on the Call of the President of the Association or upon written request of at least three (3) Members of said Board, within thirty (30) days, at a place to be selected by the Sergeant-at-Arms and approved by the Executive Board.

B. Notice of Meetings of the Executive Board shall be sent by the Secretary to all Members of the Board and to all Member Commissions, postmarked not later than five (5) days in advance of the Meeting to be held.

QUORUM for Meetings of the Association:

Ten (10) regular Members of the Association, representing at least a majority of the Member Commissions, shall constitute a quorum at any Meeting. (12/7/2018)

Voting at Meetings of the Association:

A. All regular Members in good standing shall be entitled to vote at any Meeting of the Association.

B. Associate Members and Honorary Members shall not be entitled to vote.




A. These By-laws may be amended at any Meeting of the Association by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Members present, provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been sent to all Members of the Association with the call for the Meeting at which time the amendment is to be considered.


B. Any provision in Article VIII may be suspended for one meeting only, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Members present, provided that the affirmative vote for suspension shall be no fewer than fifteen (15) votes. Only one provision (including related subjects) may be suspended at any Meeting.

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